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Lets Start to ACT! |
Dr. Nancy Emerson Lombardo, Ph.D.
As Spring grows near so does real progress in the USA finally recognizing Alzheimer’s as an urgent priority for public health and research development. Nancy is so excited after 30 years of desiring to have a draft National Plan to fight Alzheimer’s disease, that it is finally happening.
The US government and the Alzheimer’s Association are also looking for the public to comment on the plan. If you’re interested in commenting, look at our article on the draft National Plan.
Some other exciting news, is Dr. Nancy Emerson Lombardo has had an article published in Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine and Health, “Alzheimer’s Disease.” To get the link to read this 12 page article on line, go to our article. below
Dr. Nancy Emerson Lombardo is going to be attending and presenting at the 27th International Conference of Alzheimers’ Disease International. To see the posters she will be presenting see below. For more information on the ADI conference check out their website.
There has also new research linking sleep problems to predicting Alzheimer’s. At this point, it is not known which comes first, AD or the sleep problems, but there is an association.
Next month we’ll share some of the breaking research on nutrition and lifestyle for brain health. In the meantime, more and more medical leaders are voicing their hypothesis that nutrition and lifestyle are key to both prevention and treatment of AD, as happened at a recent symposium held at the American Association for Advancement of Science in Vancouver Canada. |
HHS seeks comment on draft National Plan to fight Alzheimer’s Disease
Deadline to make comments March 30th 2012. I encourage you to express your interest in nutrition/lifestyle research and services for prevention and treatment.
Public input sought on detailed strategies for research, outreach, caregiver support
February 22, 2012
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released today an ambitious draft National Plan to overcome Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. The draft National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease ( offers specific action steps to accelerate research on treatment and prevention, as well as proposals for improving care, services, and support for patients, families, and caregivers. HHS and it’s Advisory Council look forward to receiving comments from the public on this proposed plan.
HHS is seeking comments on the draft National Plan to fully engage the Alzheimer’s disease community, the public, states, local governments, community based service organizations, the private sector and others in its development. Public comment will be accepted through March 30, 2012 and should be e-mailed to
To learn more:
To read some Research Community comments on the draft national plan so far go to:
Alzheimer’s Association has videos of President Obama and Administration Officials speaking about the NAPA and the new draft plan.
Alzheimer’s Association has links to send your comments to them to pass along to the government.
You are also invited to make/send the Alzheimer’s Association your own video to be shared around the nation and world. |
“Alzheimer’s Disease” Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine and Health By Nancy B. Emerson Lombardo |
On Leap Day this year, Dr. Emerson Lombardo’s long awaited article on Alzheimer’s Disease and Lifestyle was published as part of the 2 volume Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine and Health. Ed. James M. Rippe, MD.(Two volume set with 1296 pages!).
Here is the link to the on line version which you may access for a limited time. The link will allow you to see just this article; to see the rest you’d have to go to a library or purchase your own copy for between $500 and $600! (Of course this is part of Sage’s marketing effort, knowing that we contributors will want to share their own contributions with their publics)
‘Alzheimer’s Disease : Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine and Health’ from PubFactory website! See it at:
To give you a taste of the 12 page article’s content, here is the opening paragraph:
This entry (a) describes the evolving definition of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and its prevalence; (b) summarizes evidence for nutrition, physical exercise, and other healthy lifestyle interventions that may delay onset, prevent occurrence, or slow the progression of AD and other dementias and maintain the emotional and physical health of both the person with dementia and his or her care partners; (c) identifies key lifestyle strategies for preserving brain health-both cognitive and emotional-and how they may be related to body health strategies; (d) highlights some clinical trial results, and (e) introduces a groundbreaking multi-domain study under way in Finland and the body of evidence leading to this seminal trial.
Readers may take away confirmation of the importance of some of the things they are already doing and gain ideas and motivation to adopt brain-healthy nutrition and lifestyles.
Here are the subsection titles:
Possible Causes or Etiology of AD as Related to Lifestyle
Why Lifestyle Factors Are Important to Brain Health
Recommended Lifestyle Approaches for Cognitive Health
Selected Findings of Lifestyle Studies (highlighting nutrition, physical activity, meditation and spiritual practices, cognitive training, cognitive rehabilitation, and cognitive-kinetic interventions, multifaceted relationship between physical activity and cognition)
Barriers to Adopting Lifestyle Initiatives
Further Reading
Citation: Lombardo, Nancy B. Emerson. “Alzheimer’s Disease.” Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine and Health. Ed. James M. Rippe, MD. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2012. 120-42. SAGE Reference Online. Web. 29 Feb. 2012. 6000 words on-line accessed 2 29 2012
Dr. Nancy Emerson Lombardo Attending the 27th Alzheimer’s Disease International Conference
I am excited to be going to the annual conference of the Alzheimer’s Disease International, the “United Nations” of organizations representing families, patients, researchers and providers focused on Alzheimer’s Disease.
My good and gracious friend and “brother’ in this work, Jacob K. Roy, MD, who father died of Alzheimer’s disease, will be installed as our new Chairman of the Board of Directors, the governing body for this amazing organization. He replaces my equally wonderful “sister” Daisy Acosta, MD, who has also been a leader in the critically important “10-66″ international research effort to establish and compare prevalence and incidence rates in selected developing countries around the world, and much much more. See And Dr. Acosta had in turn as Chair of ADI, followed in the illustrious footsteps of our own wonderful Orien Reid, former Chair of the US Alzheimer’s Association, and Henry Brodaty MD of Australia and Nori Graham of the UK.
I will be visiting with my friends and extended “family” and fellow researchers from over 70 countries on every continent. I am especially eager to see my friends from India, Goa, Mexico, Japan, Iran, Australia, England, Netherlands, Dominican Republic, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Bahamas, Lebanon, Nigeria, as well as China, Canada, Cuba, Venezuela, Egypt, Sri Lanka and elsewhere, as well as my fellow Americans who love this conference too.
Interestingly, I find that my work on brain healthy nutrition and lifestyle is given much greater recognition outside the U.S. because most other countries aren’t as captured by pharmaceutical industry as is the USA, and give greater priority to the possibilities lifestyle interventions hold for both prevention and possible treatment.
To see the recent “World Alzheimer’s Report” and the details about the upcoming conference in London, England (March 7-10) go to
To see pdf files of the two posters I will be presenting at the ADI conference, go to my website. The titles of the two posters are:
Poster on Whole Foods Brain Healthy Nutrition Intervtion in Assited Living
Poster on Nutritional Supplement Combination Thearpy Effective in AD Mouse Model |
Public invited to presentations by Dr.
Emerson Lombardo on March 21st and April 25th |
See Dr. Emerson Lombardo in Person March 21st, 2012: Brain Healthy Eating
This free event will be held the Amesbury Council on Aging, 9 School St, Amesbury, MA 01913. This event will run from 3:00-4:00pm. Sponsored by Methuen Village. Please RSVP to Annmary I Connor, LICSW at For more information check out the events page at
April 25th 2012: Annual ASAP Nurses Seminar
This event will be held at Courtyard Boston Marlborough, 75 Felton St, Marlborough MA 01752. This event will run from 11:30-1:00pm. Lunch will follow presentation. Please RSVP with Lois Stillman at For more information check out the events page at |
Nancy is available to answer your questions via e-mail or telephone. Look for her monthly column in the South Shore Senior News!
For brain health consultations for yourself, your family, or your organization contact Nancy for further information or to book an appointment. 978-621-1926 or email at
Nancy Emerson Lombardo, PhD
HealthCare Insights, LLC
P.O. Box 2683 , Acton , MA 01720
© 2012 HCI