HealthCare Insights’s Brain Health and Wellness Center® and Dr. Emerson Lombardo have been working with councils on aging, child day care, adult day health centers, church groups, assisted living, and other organizations that serve meals to adults of all ages to encourage healthier menus and recipes, all within budgetary limitations.

We’d love to work with your organization to enable you to better serve your clientele with brain and body healthy meals. We have sample menu cycles and recipes that can be customized to fit your clientele and budgets.

In addition, we’d be happy to help you create your own successful educational series about brain healthy nutrition and lifestyles.  Case in point: an educational series program for meal site attendees, based on our evidence-based Memory Preservation Nutrition® program, won federal/state funding for a group of senior centers in Maryland. The positive evaluation of that program by a University of Massachusetts-Boston graduate student in Gerontology won the student her university’s prize for best capstone project.

To learn more, contact Dr. Emerson Lombardo at

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