Individuals and Families – all ages: Coaching Service Available to Help You Get Started!
Nancy Emerson Lombardo PhD has organized a team of experts and mentors to work with you or a small group of friends or family.
Brain Healthy Eating. The team from the Brain Health and Wellness Center® will help you understand and learn how to adopt the “Memory Preservation Nutrition® program” to fit your particular situation and food preferences. We help you know:
• WHAT to eat
• WHY it is important to you
• HOW to develop strategies and plans and actually adopt brain healthy eating habits
Brain Healthy Lifestyle Coaching: At your request, we will also help you get started with or expand other programs related to healthy lifestyle including physical and mental exercise, management of stress and depression, and social engagement.
Learn more about our lifestyle coaching services
Great News – we are constantly growing brain cells – physical and mental exercise speeds up this process. And for Baby Boomers and older adults it is NOT too late to begin!
We work directly with individuals as well as their families and care partners. We work both with folks who already have memory loss or a dementia as well as those wanting to lower their risk of Alzheimer’s disease. We can help you communicate with family members located in other states, towns, or countries.
For people living with AD or another dementia or their families we can also provide practical advice and consultation and guided problem solving about a variety of commonly and uncommonly encountered issues.