We serve corporations committed to promoting a healthy workforce. We offer both group presentations and workshops that you may incorporate into your employee wellness program or consultation to your food services staff.
Presentations may be requested on the Memory Preservation Nutrition® or more broadly based healthy lifestyles for promoting brain health.
Brain Healthy Lifestyle events include presentations on importance of good nutrition, physical exercise, mental stimulation, music and art, sleep, fun & humor, brain healthy spiritual practices, social engagement and healthy ways to manage stress and depression to preserve brain health for young and old.
- Health Care and Wellness Providers
- Non-Profit and For-Profit
Assist health care related organizations improve their offerings and marketing for brain healthy programs and meals for clients and their publics.
We help you support your memory-impaired clients to live more independently and manage medications and other health-related necessities.
We work with provider organizations including and individual providers of aging related services and housing.
- Assisted Living
- Food Service Organizations
- Councils on Aging and Shine Counselors
- Geriatric Care Managers
- Senior Residences
- Senior Centers
- Elder Service and ASAPs
- Elder Law Attorneys
- Adult Day Health
- Home Care and Home Health
- Skilled Nursing
- Hospitals
- Physician Practices
We see great opportunities for improvement in the nutritional aspects of all health care services for elders…and for youth and adults of all ages including meals on wheels, community meals, healthy “snacks” and school lunch programs. Here are some examples:
Nutrition Consulting Service: For Seniors (Senior Residences, Assisted Living, Nursing Facilities and Senior Meals Programs): To help you improve this part of your program. We’ll bring your organization the latest research and programmatic results related to both the process and content of meal programs to improve the amount, healthfulness and quality of food consumed by your clients. We will help you implement our unique evidence-based Memory Preservation Nutrition® program which serves dual purpose of helping reduce risk of dementia and slowing cognitive and physical decline in those that already have memory problems or a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. Brain healthy eating also boosts health of the entire body. The program can be tailored to your organization or facility culture and preferences.
Other Brain Health Domains: We can also help advise you on other healthy lifestyle initiatives related to brain health: physical exercise, cognitive stimulation, managing stress and depression, social engagement, sleep, music and the creative arts, humor, and balancing chi.
Staff and Client Education and Awareness
We give workshops and talks with Councils on Aging, Senior and Assisted Living residences, and nursing facilities, as well as client referral sources, to promote awareness and education. Dr. Emerson Lombardo is a popular speaker with groups of nurses, social workers, physicians, psychologists, CNA’s, long term care staff and other healthcare providers. Participants quickly realize this is information useful to themselves, as well as their clients and patients. Adults of all ages and all walks of life are quickly engaged in Dr. Emerson Lombardo’s presentations and walk away with lots of useful information they can begin applying in their own lives as well as to benefit family, friends and clients.