YIELD: 4 SERVINGS    Prep Time: 10 minute; Cooking time: 15 minutes


  INGREDIENTS                                                                                   AMOUNT

Egg yolks, preferably from omega-3 (large) eggs 4
Almond milk, vanilla, unsweetened 2 ¼ cups
Coconut milk, reduced fat**(65% less fat and 65% fewer calories than full fat; may be purchased at Trader Joe’s). Alternatively make your own lower fat coconut milk by mixing 1 part still water to one part regular coconut milk. 1  13.5-ounce can
Palm or coconut sugar (may substitute 1 tsp Truvia or 2 pinches of stevia) ¼ cup
Vanilla extract 2 tsp
Nutmeg*, ground 1 tsp
Allspice Pinch
For garnish when serving:  
    More nutmeg, ground and cinnamon, ground Sprinkle a pinch of both on each serving

* note: if you plan on drinking the eggnog right away, opt for less nutmeg (1/2 tsp is best).

If you plan on letting it sit for 1-2 days before enjoying, go with 1 teaspoon, as the longer

it sits, the more flavor will develop.



  1. Separate the egg yolks from egg whites. Place egg yolks in a small mixing bowl and set aside.
  2. Combine remaining ingredients in a medium-sized saucepan and bring to a simmer on medium heat.
  3. Reduce heat to low. Slowly add approximately ¼ cup of the hot liquids to the egg yolks while whisking continuously. Continue until you’ve added about one cup of the liquid mixture to the egg yolks before transferring the yolks to the pot.
  4. Bring back up to medium heat and whisk while simmering for 4 minutes.
  5. Remove from heat and serve immediately (best sprinkled with a touch of ground cinnamon and nutmeg)
  6. Or pour in a mason jar and refrigerate.

**Using full fat coconut milk greatly increases the calories and amount of saturated fat per serving. While many nutritionists now believe that saturated fat from plant sources is much much safer for us than from animal sources (which almost always is accompanied by cholesterol, an animal-only nutrient), it still contains many calories. Below is the Nutrition Facts supplied by the originator of the recipe who used FULL FAT coconut milk and did NOT specify omega-3 eggs, which some preliminary research suggests may help lower cholesterol in humans, even though a single large egg contains about 210 mg of cholesterol, all of which is contained in the yolk.



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