Kale Chips aka “Crispy Kale”

– a Brain Healthy Recipe –[1]


YIELD:   Five 2-inch hotel pans


INGREDIENTS:                                                                AMOUNT:

Kale 1 large bunch
Olive oil 1 tsp
Optional: granulated sea salt A very light sprinkling







  1. Remove the kale leaves from the stems and wash well.  Break leaves into smaller chip-sized pieces. Dry leaves thoroughly, either by laying them out to dry or use a salad spinner to accelerate the process.
  2. Once the leaves are dry, take about 3 cups aside in a mixing bowl.  Use a small amount of olive oil to lightly coat the leaves and, optional, sprinkle with a very few pinches of sea salt. (May omit the salt for older adults as kale has natural salt content)
  3. Spread leaves out on a small tray.  Place tray in toaster or convection oven and toast for one cycle (the amount of time it would normally take to make toast with bread is usually sufficient, no more than 4 minutes). May also do in conventional oven but check often, roasting 15-20 minutes, and turn the leaves once or twice.
  4. If the leaves are not fully crispy after one cycle of toasting, put them back in the toaster for another toasting cycle.


[1] Adapted by Kristina Scangas by following the MPN™, then further revised by Dr. Nancy Emerson Lombardo, Ph.D. per MPN™


© 2012  Nancy Emerson Lombardo Ph.D. and colleagues, HealthCare Insights, LLC.   All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, Photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of HealthCare Insights, LLC.  Direct correspondence to Nancy Emerson Lombardo, Ph.D.  nemerson@brainwellness.com   978-621-1926

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