Have you wondered why people take time out of their day to help others in need? There actually are benefits not only for the soul, but also for the brain, when you help others. Helping out other people not only may help them feel valued and good, but also makes you feel good, which release endorphins into your brain. In studies it has been found that volunteering and doing good deeds has helped delay and even sometimes reverse declining brain function. TO DO: add references including Sharon Arkin’s intervention that included volunteerism and the “Dasni Effect
Related studies have shown that people who have meaning and purpose in their lives have lower rates of developing cognitive problems and Alzheimer’s disease. (Reference
And many of the volunteers in the Alzheimer’s Disease International and the Alzheimer’s societies around the world, find this a very positive way to join with others to improve life for their families and people around the world dealing with the challenge of brain disease. Some also discover this path is a great way to work through their grief at losing a loved one
Thus not only does helping others help the world be a better place, and elevate your spiritual nature, it also helps your brain to stay healthy
DASNI is an international non-profit organization created by and for people living with dementia. Advocacy and collective action to help people like themselves are among their missions.
“DASNI Effect” May Itself Be An Innovative Program for Persons with Early Stage Dementia
- Anecdotal Reports of improved quality of life and slowed progression for those persons with dementia who get involved in advocacy and various efforts to help others –
- Exemplify findings of formal studies showing that social situations and conversation are especially stimulating for persons with dementia and help hone cognitive skills
- Many ADI countries or branches offer persons diagnosed with a dementia opportunities for a variety of volunteer roles: a) prior review of new society publications (Canada) b) governance roles c) investigate, try out and recommend new programs chapters should seek to provide to them d) write books and pamphlets (e.g. BY US, FOR US) e) help plan and present at conferences f) serve as media and advocacy spokespersons g) help orient new members of support groups.