YIELD: 3 Servings


 INGREDIENTS:                                                               AMOUNT:

   For Honey Syrup (enough for 3 servings)

Green cardamom pods 16
Honey* 1/3 cup 
Water ¼ cup
Lemon juice, fresh 2 tsp

*May replace with 2 tsp Truvia or pinch of Stevia if avoiding sugar is of concern.


To mix with seltzer (for 1 cup serving):

Honey syrup 1 TBsp
Seltzer or sparkling mineral water 1 1/3 cups

** May replace mineral water with carbonated selzer water, but be aware that any artificially carbonated or bubbly water or soda will contain chemicals that leach calcium from bones and teeth and should be drunk infrequently. No problems with sparkling mineral water.



To make Honey Syrup:

  1. 1.   Spread cardmom pods in a single layer on a solid work surface. Pound pods with a hammer, meat pounder, or small heavy skillet until pods are crushed and the cardamom seeds inside are bruised.
  2. 2.   Combine crushed cardamom pods, honey, water, and lemon juice in a small saucepan. Bring to a simmer over medium heat, and let simmer, uncovered for 4 to 5 minutes, until liquid reduced to a third of its original volume (about ¼ cup). Remove from heat and set aside to cool for 15 minutes. Strain out the solids, reserving the liquid. Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.

To mix with seltzer or sparkling mineral water or selzer – for each serving:

  1. 1.   Pour syrup into a tall glass.
  2. 2.   Add sparkling mineral water or seltzer and stir just until blended.
  3. 3.   Add ice and serve.


Nutritional information per serving: 121 Calories, 32g Carbohydrates, 1g Fiber, 2mg Sodium, good source of manganese

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