“Nancy, I sure hope that you know how much your talk on Nutrition and Cognition at our annual Harvard co-sponsored Geriatric Psychiatry conference was appreciated by attendees, clinicians and the rest of our staff. You presented information that many professionals do not get a chance to hear about, and helped to inform us about important nutritional information that we should understand and incorporate into our patients’ treatment plans. We hope to book you for another lecture soon.”

James Ellison, M.D.
McLean Hospital

“Thank you so much, CC, for presenting in the “How to be an Effective Caregiver Conference” in Alexandria, Louisiana on June 27, 2015.  Your partnership is greatly appreciated and we look forward to having you back in the future.   The event was well received and so many attendees commented on how informative, enjoyable, and enlightening the seminar was for them. Your presentation was beneficial to so many!  Your dedication makes a difference in the fight against Alzheimer’s. Your steadfast commitment to educating and supporting families is greatly appreciated.”

Debbie Hayes

Alzheimer’s Association Associate Director, Louisiana Chapter

 “I wanted to thank you for a fantastic presentation* yesterday. You were a huge hit! I could tell by the crowd’s enthusiasm that they really loved what you had to say, and it’s a shame we couldn’t continue the call for longer. Having that said, I was wondering if you would have any interest in coming back for a 3-part series. We would love to have you on again.”

Susan London, LMSW, QDCP

Alzheimer’s Foundation of America

New York, NY

(*”Food for Thought…Healthy Eating for a Healthy Brain”  teleconference with “Ask Dr. Jamie” (http://www.askdrjamie.net/selfcareradio.html) for Alzheimer’s Foundation of America)

Thank you again for your very informative and fascinating presentation! I ordered curry noodles on Saturday instead of the regular kind, and bought a bunch of kale and broccoli.   The response was excellent – your evaluations were raving!  Also, ANSA staff were saying that the attendees were telling them how good it was. It is important for us to learn that food does affect your whole body – not just your weight or your heart, and that a healthy heart is important for overall organ function. You opened a lot of eyes!”


Meghan Ostrander (co-organizer of 2011 Conference for ANSA-Association of Nutrition Services Agencies)

Registered Dietitian

Community Servings (servings.org) August 2011


“Dear Nancy,

Thank you so much for that excellent lecture on brain foods in Worcester on 7/28/11.  My husband has vascular dementia and as a nutrition believer, am interested in all that I can do to prevent progression……

Sincerely, AM”

August 2011


Dear Dr. Emerson Lomardo,

 I just wanted to tell that I really enjoyed your presentation at the Andover Senior Center on Thursday, 9/8. 

What hit a note with me was the shrinking of the Hippocampus part of the brain.  Friday morning, I made sure I increased my daily walk to a solid 20 minutes.
Also, I have become interested in how spices affect the body.


I drank the ginger tea this morning and enjoyed it.  I am going on Yogi’s website and try to order some more.
— Thank you, JL

Sept 2011


Nancy , 

I have some additional life changes since hearing your lecture.

1). I have now increased my morning walk to 30 minutes.

2). I start my day off with a cup of Yogi Tea.

3). Previously, I could not go to bed (every night) without having 1/2 gallon of Frozen Low Fat Yogurt, 252 grams of carbohydrates. I have now developed this special pre-bedtime snack:

                      1/2 cup of Frozen Low Fat Yogurt

                      1/2 cup of Damon Light/Fit

                      1/2 cup of Plain Low Fat Yogurt

                      1/3 cup of sliced Almonds

                       1 teaspoons of Cinnamon

I have three servings for a grant total of 120 grams of Carbohydrates.


Sept 2011

“Your presentation was excellent and well received at our Senior Center.”

Beth Selinger, Outreach Coordinartor

Pepperell Council on Aging

May 2012

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