THE LANCET COMMISSION: ONE THIRD OF DEMENTIA MAY BE PREVENTABLE – The Lancet releases International Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention and Care – LONDON, July 20, 2017 – In a report presented today at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2017 (AAIC 2017) in London, The Lancet International Commission on Dementia Prevention, Intervention and Care reported that more than one third of global dementia cases may be preventable through addressing...
Read MoreAdvancing health disparities research in Alzheimer’s – National Institute on Aging inaugural grants
According to the Alzheimer’s Association 2017 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures, African-Americans are about twice as likely to have Alzheimer’s or other dementias as older whites, and Hispanics are about one and one-half times as likely to have Alzheimer’s or other dementias as older whites. Yet, these populations are underrepresented in Alzheimer’s and dementia research. The NIA has identified a clear need to diversify research cohorts and improve methods and tools for...
Read MoreAmyloid and Tau Spreading Pathways in the Brain, Correlated with Genetics
The ability to employ advanced imaging technology to “see” both of the hallmark proteins of Alzheimer’s (amyloid and tau) in the living brain is a significant recent advance in the field. It may prove to be transformational not only in our understanding of the disease and its progression but also in its potential to accelerate drug discovery. According to Jorge Sepulcre, MD, PhD, of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, understanding the “spreading”...
Read MoreSleep is Essential for Brain Health
Studies reported at AAIC 2017 show that Sleep Disordered Breathing” (of which Sleep Apnea is one type) is associated with deposition of beta amyloid. Sleep Disordered Breathing is treatable. Thus researchers and doctors strongly recommend treatment be sought urgently for people with sleep disordered breathing It is during sleep that the brain clears away excess beta amyloid. Interrupted, poor or insufficient sleep interferes with this clearance process. And deposits of beta amyloid build...
Read MoreAlzheimer Association Comment on Importance of AAIC 2017 Nutrition and Brain Health Research
Mediterranean and MIND diets may lower risk of cognitive impairment up to 35 percent LONDON, July 17, 2017 – Results from four large population-based studies support a connection between good dietary practices and better cognition in old age. Study results were reported at the 2017 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC 2017) in London. “Although the idea that a healthy diet can help protect against cognitive decline as we age is not new, the size and length of these four...
Read MoreInflammation Promoting Diet is Linked to Poorer Executive Cognitive Function and Smaller Gray Matter Brain Volume
Building on solid evidence that eating well is brain healthy, researchers are beginning to explore mechanisms through which dietary mechanisms may influence cognitive status and dementia risk. Yian Gu, Ph.D., at Columbia University, New York, and colleagues examined whether an inflammation-related nutrient pattern (INP) was associated with cognitive function and structural MRI findings in the brain. Using data on 330 community-dwelling, non-demented elderly individuals (mean age 79.7), the investigators found that...
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