We would like to offer information to you about other brain healthy food resources:

Come back periodically as we will add people to this page when we come across their exciting brain healthy idea’s!

·         Check out The China Study by Dr.  T Colin Campbell.  One of the most talked about health and nutrition books!  Helps you understand why we should be eating mostly plant foods.  You can buy his book on Amazon.

·         Also check out Green For Life by Victoria Boutenko.  A great book to find many delicious green smoothies.

·         Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals By Michael Pollan.  This book explains where you food is coming from and what it does to you.

·         In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto By Michael Pollan.  Helping you make better choices on what your eating.

Pollan proposes a new (and very old) answer to the question of what we should eat that comes down to seven simple but liberating words: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. By urging us to once again eat food, he challenges the prevailing nutrient-by-nutrient approach — what he calls nutritionism — and proposes an alternative way of eating that is informed by the traditions and ecology of real, well-grown, unprocessed food. Our personal health, he argues, cannot be divorced from the health of the food chains of which we are part.


·   Check out this web article published in 2020 about the benefits of cold press kale juice  

 ·         Dietitian Kathy Carbonello is an officer for New Hampshire Dietetics in Health Care Communities and is available for private consultation and works out of Londonderry, NH   She can be contacted at karc55@gmail.com

Nutritionist Eric Reardon MS, CNC, of Crossroads to Health, headquartered in Groton with offices also in Acton (both in Massachusetts ) is a wonderful consultant for you on a whole range of nutrition and food issues and concerns.  Check out his website and sign up for his wonderful monthly newsletter.  Eric Reardon MS, CNC. Consultations offered in person, zoom or by phone. 75 Great Rd. Suite 213 Acton, MA. 978-551-1321.  Eric@crossroadstohealth.com. www.crossroadstohealth.com

Wonderful Dietitian Consultant Cheryl Franchi, MS, MBA, RD, LD, FADA worked with Dr. Nancy Emerson Lombardo with some of her recipes and Senior Living Residences.  Before her untimely death in spring 2020 from cancer, Cheryl was a specialist in working with older adults and assisted living communities.  She was a lively, fun, spirited, creative colleague and great educator, and taught many about the power of delicious foods for brain and body health. She was also a great cook and baker!   I miss Cheryl! 

      One person we enjoyed knowing over 10 years ago was Adrienne Martin who has created The 50/50 Diet Plan e-Book  It no longer appears to be in print.  She had some interesting ideas and great recipes.

“The 50/50 diet is all about helping you increase the amount of fruit and veggies you eat in fun, delicious ways.  The goal is to have a diet of 50% uncooked (or raw) fruit and vegetable diet with the other 50% being cooked (mostly vegetables) diet with plenty of wiggle room to add in things you love or do not want to give up. But the overall emphasis will be on adding fruits and veggies into your diet in easy ways and without feeling deprived, bored or bummed out.”  Her recipes emphasize plants food with minimal high quality animal foods such as fish and poultry.

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