Evidence increasingly shows that brain foods are important for humans at all ages, including infants, children, teenagers, and adults from 18 to 110!

Research indicates that proper nutrition is essential to defend against brain deterioration caused by aging and disease.

Dr. Nancy Emerson-Lombardo, Ph. D developed the Memory Preservation Nutrition® program* to help people improve both their cognitive, emotional and bodily health.

Brain healthy nutrition is key to good memory.  Read more about memory impact of nutrition.

Other healthy lifestyles are also important for good memory. (see our 11 healthy lifestyles list)

Spices and herbs are fundamental to the Memory Preservation Nutrition® program.  Learn why.

For delicious brain foods for kids and adults, explore our recipes.

Any questions?  Contact Dr. Emerson Lombardo at nemerson@brainwellness.com, text at 978-621-1926 or write on our blogs.

* Memory Preservation Nutrition® is a registered trademark of HealthCare Insights, LLC, a woman-owned small business in Massachusetts.

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