BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH for Emerson Lombardo, NB
Emerson Lombardo, Nancy B. Ph.D.
Adjunct Research Assistant Professor Neurology, Boston University, School of Medicine
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
Yale University, New Haven, CT Ph.D. 1979 Political Science
Yale University, New Haven, CT M.A. 1967 Political Science
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY A.B. 1966 Government
A. Positions and Honors
1981-present | Alzheimer’s Association Vice-Chairman, National Board of Directors (1984-1995); Chairman of Public Policy Committee (1987-1990); Member of Committee (1981-1996); Chairman of Chapter Committee (1983-1987); Member of Executive, By-Laws and Long-Range Planning Committees (1983-1995); Patient and Family Services Committee (1991-1995) Board member Emeritus (1996-present); Scientific Advisor for Maintain Your Brain initiative (2004-5) Alzheimer’s Assoc. Massachusetts/New Hampshire Bd. Of Dir.(1991-1997), Med Scien. Adv Com. (2004-present) |
1990- 2007 | Member, Advisory Board, Geriatric Research and Ed Center, VA Med.Center, Bedford, MA |
2002-present | President, Owner of HealthCare Insights, LLC & Brain Health and Wellness Center |
2004- present | Member, Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee, Alzheimer’s Association of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, Watertown, MA |
1991 -1996 | Senior Research Associate, Research and Training Institute, Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for Aged, Roslindale, MA |
1996-2002 | Senior Research Scientist, Wellesley College Centers for Women, Wellesley, MA. |
2001-present | Adjunct Research Assistant Professor of Neurology, and faculty, Alzheimer’s Disease Center, Boston University, School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts. |
2001-2010 | “WOC” at Veterans Administration Medical Center, Bedford, MA. |
11/2002-12/2003 | Co-Investigator, Co-Director and Director of Education and Training, Institute of Geriatric Social Work, Boston University School of Social Work, Boston, Massachusetts |
B. Selected peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order)
- Emerson Lombardo NB. Brain Healthy Foods for the Holidays. Brain Health and Wellness Center, December 2016. as featured on Nov.23, 2016.
- Emerson Lombardo NB. Brain Healthy Foods: Menus and Recipes, Volume 1. Brain Health and Wellness Center, December 2015, as featured on August and September, 2016.
- Emerson Lombardo NB. Memory Preservation Nutrition: A Practical Evidence-Based Program For Brain Health. LPN-Q :The Quarterly Journal of the Life Planning Network. vol. 2. issue 3 Summer 2015.
- Emerson Lombardo NB. Food for Thought: Evidence-Based Memory Preservation Nutrition. Learn about a Program Dieticians Should Introduce to Clients and Patients. Today’s Dietician. October, 2014; 16(10):20-26.
- Emerson Lombardo NB. Evidence-Based Memory Preservation Nutrition. Today’s Geriatric Medicine. Nov-Dec 2013. 6(6):26.
- Emerson Lombardo NB. Memory Preservation Nutrition Chef’s Cookbook-Healthy Eating for a Healthy Brain: the MPN. Vol I, II and III.
- WolfAB, BradenBB, Bimonte-Nelson H, KusneY, Young N, Engler-ChiurazziE, GarciaAN, WalkerDG, MosesGSD, Hung TranH, LaFerlaF, LihFen Lue, Emerson LombardoN, Valla J. Broad-based nutritional supplementation in 3xTG mice corrects mitochondrial function and indicates sex-specificity in response to Alzheimer’s intervention. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 2012;32(1):217-32.
- Emerson Lombardo, NB “Alzheimer’s Disease” pp. 120-42 in James M. Rippe, MD editor, Encyclopedia on Lifestyle Medicine and Health (2 volumes, 1296 pp). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage February 2012 and on line Lombardo, Nancy B. Emerson. “Alzheimer’s Disease.” Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine and Health. Ed. James M. Rippe, MD. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2012. 120-42. SAGE Reference Online. Web. 29 Feb. 2012.
- Kounti F, Bakoglidou E, Agogiatou C, Emerson Lombardo NB,Serper LL, Tsolaki M (2011) RHEA, a non pharmacological cognitive training intervention in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): A pilot study. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation. October/December 2011 – Volume 27 – Issue 4 – p 289–300 doi: 10.1097/TGR.0b013e31821e59a9
- Emerson Lombardo, N.B., Volicer, L., Auerbach, S.H., Matson, W., Matson, S. Valla, J. (2010) Nutritional Supplement Combination Therapy Feasibility, Safety and Biomarker Clinical Trial in Cognitively Normal Adults. The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging: 14: (9) p. 800.
- Wu, B., Emerson Lombardo, N., Chang, K. (2010). Dementia Care Programs and Services for Chinese Americans in the U.S. Ageing International.35(2), 128-141.
- Valla, J., Wolf A., Braden B.B., Young, N., Enger L., Garcia A., Bowman B., Kusne Y., Hatch, M., Emerson Lombardo, N.B., Bimonte-Nelson, H. (2010) Polynutrient dietary supplementation corrects brain mitochondrial biomarkers and improves cognition in the 3xTG mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. IANA Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
- Emerson Lombardo, NB, J Valla, B Braden, J Lind, H Bimonte-Nelson, E Engler, A Garcia, N Young, SH Auerbach, B Bowman, A Wolf, K Page, Y Kusne, L Volicer. (2010) Nutritional supplement combination therapy improves cognition in 3xTG AD mice, will be tested in cognitively normal adults. 25th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Valla J, BB Braden, J Lind, NL Young, E Engler, A Garcia, B Bowman, AB Wolf, K Page, Y Kusne, N Emerson Lombardo, H Bimonte-Nelson. (2009) Comprehensive polynutrient dietary supplementation improves cognition in 3xTG mice. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 35, 2009.
- Emerson Lombardo, N.B., Volicer, L .Martin, A,.Wu B and Zhang XW. (2006) Memory Preservation Diet To Reduce Risk and Slow Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. in Vellas, B., Grundman, M., Feldman, H., Fitten, L.J., Winblad, B., ed., Research and Practice in Alzheimer’s Disease and Cognitive Decline, vol 9,: 138-159.
- Emerson Lombardo, N. B., Martin, A., Volicer, L., Castaneda-Sceppa, C., Holmes, M.S., Drebing, C.E., Wu, B, Zhan, X.W. (2005) Memory Preservation Diet © 2005 To Reduce Risk and Slow Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging 9 (3): 137.
17. Emerson Lombardo, N. B., Volicer, L., Drebing, C. E., Martin, A. Castaneda-Sceppa, C., Bermudez, O., Wu ,B., Imada, T., Holmes, M.S., Zhang X.W. (October 2004) Nutritional intervention for early Alzheimer’s Disease (NEAD). The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 8 (5): 428.
- Emerson Lombardo, N. B., Volicer, L., Martin, A. Drebing, C. E., Wu ,B., Serper, L.L. (July 2004) Evidence Based Nutrition, Exercise, Cognitive Rehabilitation & Stress Management Interventions for Alzheimer’s Disease: Treatment or Prevention? Neurobiology of Aging 25 (S2):206.
19. Emerson Lombardo, N.B., Wu, B., Zhang, X. W. (July/August 2002) The case for life style interventions to reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease: BE[WELL program. Neurobiology of Aging 23(1s):S129.
20. Emerson Lombardo, N. B., Vehvilainen, L, Ooi, W. L., McManus, C., Malivert, M., Dresser, M.V.B., Volicer, L., Drebing, C. E., Xu, G., Rosowsky, E., Sheridan, P.L., (July/August 2002) Acupuncture significantly reduces anxiety and depression in persons with dementia: A pilot feasibility and effectiveness trial. Neurobiology of Aging 23(1s):S126.
21. Emerson Lombardo, N.B., Wu, B., Malivert, M., Dresser, M.V.B., Washko, M., Stott, C. (July/August 2002) Individualized interventions for dementia family caregivers: Findings from a USA national policy study. Neurobiology of Aging 23(1s): S1994.
22. Emerson Lombardo, N. B., Wu, B., Hohnstein, J.K., Chang, K. (2002) Chinese Dementia Specialist Education Program: Training Chinese American health care professionals as dementia experts, Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 21(1), 67-86.
23. Drebing, C.E., McCarty, E.F., Emerson Lombardo, N.B. (2002). Professional caregivers for patients with dementia: Predictors of job and career commitment. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias.17(6), 357-366.
- Emerson Lombardo, N. B., Dresser, M.V.B., Malivert, M., McManus, C., Vehvilainen, L, Ooi, W. L., Xu, G., Rosowsky, E., Drebing, C. E., Sheridan, P.L., Lewis, S., Imada, T, Hohnstein, J.K., Perry, K. (Fall 2001) Acupuncture as treatment for anxiety and depression in persons with dementia: Results of a pilot feasibility and effectiveness study. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly:4:2. pp.28-41.
- Emerson Lombardo, N. Changing the culture of long-term care, Dimensions: Newsletter of the Mental Health and Aging Network, American Society on Aging, 8: 4, winter 2001, pp 2 & 7.
- Emerson Lombardo, N., Wu, B., Hohnstein, J., (2001) The Chinese Dementia Awareness and Intervention Project: Raising awareness in the Chinese community. Asian Pacific Affairs, May/June 2001, pp 8-9,14.
- Emerson Lombardo N, B Wu, J Hohnstein, et al. (2001). Training Community Providers as Dementia Care Specialists for Chinese-Speaking Elders. Dimensions, Vol. 8, No. 3. p.3.
- Belleville-Taylor, P., Morris, J.N., Emerson Lombardo, N (2001) Caps related to mental health, cognition, in Morris, J.N., Fries, B.E., Bernabei, R., editors, RAI-HomeCare (RAI-HC) Assessment Manual for Version 2.0, pages 171-176.
- Konstam, V., Marx, F., Schurer, J., Harrington, A., Emerson Lombardo N., Deveney, S. (July 2000). Forgiving: What mental health counselors are telling us. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 22:3: 253-267.
- Emerson Lombardo, N. B., Vehvilainen, L, Ooi, W. L., Volicer, L., McManus, C., Dresser, M., Xu, G., Drebing, C. E. (2000). Acupuncture to treat anxiety and depression in Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia: a pilot feasibility and effectiveness trial. Neurobiology of Aging, 21 No.1S: S132.
- Emerson Lombardo, N. B., Wu, B., Harden, T. (2000). Individualized interventions for dementia family caregivers: Results of a national policy study. Neurobiology of Aging, 21 No.1S: S366.
- Emerson Lombardo, N. B., & Ooi, W. L. (1998). A multicultural in-home skills training/support systems building program for family and informal caregivers of persons with dementia. Neurobiology of Aging, No. 19 (Suppl.45), abstract no 892.
- Emerson Lombardo, N. B. (1997). Recognition and initial assessment of Alzheimer’s disease, commentary 2-from the guideline developer’s perspective. Abstracts of Clinical Care Guidelines. Vol. 9, No. 5, pages. 6-7.
- Costa, P. T., Williams, T. F., Emerson Lombardo, N. B., et al. (1996). Recognition and Initial Assessment of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Rockville, Maryland: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. No. 19.
35. Emerson Lombardo, N. B. (1996). Dance/movement Therapy with Frail Older Adults: a Controlled Experiment to Demonstrate Effect on Mood, Social Interaction, and Physical Functioning of Nursing Home Residents and Adult Day Health Clients Research Final Report to Administration on Aging; Boston: Hebrew Rehabilitation Center on Aging. (available on SuDoc HE 1.1002:D 19/2)
- Emerson Lombardo, N. B., Fogel B. S., Robinson G. K., Weiss, H. P. (1996). Achieving Mental Health of Nursing Home Residents Overcoming Barriers to Mental Health Care. Boston: Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for Aged. 55pp.
- Emerson Lombardo, N. B., Fogel, B. S., Robinson G. K., Weiss H. P. (1995). Achieving mental health of nursing home residents: Overcoming barriers to mental health care. Journal of Mental Health and Aging. Vol.1,No.3,pages.165-211.
- Emerson Lombardo, N. B., Aronson M. K. “Caregiving research: An overview.” In Iqbal K, J Mortimer, B Winblad and H Wisniewski (eds), Research Advances in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders. 1994 Edition, Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1995.
- Emerson Lombardo N. B., Belleville-Taylor P., Fogel B., Levine D. L., Morris J. N., Morris S. A., Murphy, K., Muse D. N., Ooi W. L., Sherwood S. (June 1994). Barriers to Mental Health Services for Nursing Home Residents. Washington, DC: American Association of Retired Persons, Public Policy Institute
- Morris, J. N., Emerson Lombardo, N. B. (1994). A national perspective on SCU service richness: findings from the AARP survey. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders; Vol 8., No. 1, pages. 87-96.
- Emerson Lombardo N. B., Robinson G. K., Fogel B. S. (1994). Moving toward a national consensus: achieving the mental health of nursing home residents. Dimensions, , 1 (3)
- Emerson Lombardo N. B., and Eisdorfer, C. (1993). “The Role of the Family in the Provision of Care for People with Alzheimer’s Disease,” Alzheimer’s Disease: Advances in Clinical and Basic Research. Sussex England: John Wiley & Sons.
C. Research Support.
Nutritional Supplement Combination Therapy ( NSCT) Phase I safety clinical trial of 5 high quality nutritional supplements including plant-based, fish oils and vitamin D.
Role: Co-Investigator, study design, created intervention
Agency Funding: Alzheimer’s Association IIRG-08-60241
Type: Research Grant Period: July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2012, publications to follow (unfunded)
Nutrition has been highlighted as a potential factor in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) risk and decline and has been investigated as a therapeutic target. Broad-based combination diet therapies have the potential to simultaneously effect numerous protective and corrective processes, both directly (e.g., neuroprotection) and indirectly (e.g., improved vascular health). The Nutritional Supplement Combination Therapy ( NSCT) study is a Phase I safety clinical trial of 5 high quality nutritional supplements chosen based on scientific evidence to date that the ingredients may be helpful to maintaining brain health. The NSCT study is being conducted through the Boston University School of Medicine. The study is funded by the national Alzheimer’s Association.
The purposes of the NSCT study are three-fold. 1) To determine safety and tolerability, in 24 cognitively normal adults, of the five NSCT supplements taken together 2) To determine the feasibility of getting older adults to take 19 study pills, divided into breakfast and dinner-time doses of 10 and 9 pills each, for 7 months. 3) To explore appropriate biomarkers for determining any possible effects of the NSCT protocol. Plasma, serum and urine samples will be collected and assayed for biomarkers including oxidative stress, mitochondrial function, glucose control, and inflammation.
The purpose of this study is to primarily to determine whether this unique combination of 5 nutritional supplements is safe and well tolerated in older adults. Based on previous research studies for fish oil and vitamin D, and 1 research study for Zyflamend, the individual products appear to be relatively safe, with few minor adverse effects reported. The companies who make them have voluntarily obtained certification of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for each of their supplements and met FDA regulations that went into effect June 2009. However we do not know if the combination of 5 supplements is equally safe.
All of this information is needed for planning any future research studies, including for Alzheimer’s disease treatment or prevention.
“Broad-based nutritional supplementation in 3xTG mice as preclinical intervention for Alzheimer’s disease testing cognition, behavior, mitochondrial function, glucose control, and inflammation”
Role: Co-Investigator, designing intervention PI: Jon Valla, Ph.D. of Phoenix, Arizona
Agency Funding: None
Type: Research Grant Period: 2005-2010, extended June 2012 for publications
Nutrition has been highlighted as a potential factor in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) risk and decline and has been investigated as a therapeutic target. Broad-based combination diet therapies have the potential to simultaneously effect numerous protective and corrective processes, both directly (e.g., neuroprotection) and indirectly (e.g., improved vascular health). Here we administered either normal mouse chow with a broad-based nutritional supplement or mouse chow alone to aged male and female 3xTG mice and wild type (WT) controls. The nutritional supplement intervention, termed the Memory Preservation Nutritional Supplement Program, consisted of a combination of fruit, vegetable powders, extracts of anti-inflammatory herbs and spices, and cod liver oil. After approximately 4 months of feeding, mice were given a battery of cognitive tasks and then injected with a radio-labeled glucose analog. Brains were assessed for differences in regional glucose uptake and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase activity, AD pathology, and inflammatory markers.
“Boston University Alzheimer Disease Center Core”
Role: Co-Investigator 2001-2002:Coordinator of Minority Outreach Recruitment and Retention for Clinical Core
2001-present: Co-Facilitator of BUADC Community Advisory Council and Community Liaison for Administrative Core; Co-Investigator Education Core
Agency: National Institute of Aging
Type: Research Grant Period: May 1, 2000 to June 30, 2016
The purpose of the Boston University Alzheimer’s Disease Center (BU ADC) is to promote research on Alzheimer’s Disease at BU and throughout the country by providing information and materials from well characterized patient, control and caregiver populations drawn from the ambulatory and late-stage suburban population at the Bedford VA Medical Center and the racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse poor urban population served in part by the BMC.
Completed Research Grants:
“Boston Minority Dementia Outreach and Education Program”
Role: Principal Investigator
Type: National Institute on Aging
R25 AG11216-06 Period: July 1992 to Sept. 1996 at HRCA Oct. 1996 to June 1998 at Center Research Women
To create educational and outreach protocols, caregiver programs for managing patients with dementia at home, and staff training programs for health and social service organizations in minority communities to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias.
“An Education and Outreach Program to Raise Awareness and Skills of Chinese Caregivers of Persons with Dementia Living at Home in the Greater Boston Chinese Community.”
Role: Principal Investigator
Program Development, The Boston Foundation
The EHA Foundation Period: February 1998 to May 31, 2000
Period: February 1998 to Dec 31, 2000
Type: Research Grant
The goal of this multifaceted service comprised of outreach, education, and training programs is to raise the Greater Boston Chinese community’s awareness about dementia recognition, diagnosis, and care, and to improve the appropriateness and dementia care skills of both professional providers and family caregivers.
“Recognizing and Preventing Elder Abuse in the Chinese Community” & “Improving Mental Health”
Role: Co-Investigator and Subcontractor to Chinese Golden Age Center
Agency: New England Medical Center
Type: Research Grants Period: February 1, 1999 to January 31, 2001 and new grant, Nov 2001-3
The objective for Year 1 was to train supervisory staff and create ongoing training resources, identify strategies for community outreach. Wellesley team helped create, implement, and evaluate the training program. Year 2 will focus on community outreach, services to direct care staff, and planning services to vulnerable elders. Sub-contractor on second grant Nov 1 2001 from NEMC to GBCGAC focus more broadly on mental health issues affecting Chinese American elders in the Boston area.
“Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial of Acupuncture Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease”
Role: Principal Investigator
Agency: The Alzheimer’s Association (previous study funded by Helen Bader Foundation 1997-1999)
Type: Research Grant Period: August 1,1999 to July 31,2001
The overall purpose of this small project for 10-12 subjects is to explore the effectiveness in a 13-week trial as a treatment for persons in the early or middle stages of Alzheimer’s or a vascular dementia as compared to standard treatment controls.
“An Electronic Community for Alzheimer’s Caregivers”
Role: Subcontractor and Evaluator to HEALTHvision
Agency: U.S. National Institute of Aging
Type: Research Grant Period: 1997-2002
Controlled Trial of a computerized support program offering dementia patient caregivers, with limited outside assistance, access to web information/ education, skills training, behavior management tools, and videoconferencing support links to the Alzheimer’s Association, peer mentors, and other caregivers. Patients and caregivers are supported by a web-based patient medical management system. Principal Investigators: Paul Gertman, MD and Laila Vehvilainen, MPH, MIM, M.A.
“Pilot Intervention to Assist Isolated Urban Elderly with Alzheimer’s Disease”
Role: Subcontractor for Intervention, Co-Investigator
Agency: Alzheimer’s Association
Type: Research Grant
Period: November 1, 2000 to Oct 31 2003, continued other funding to present
Create and evaluate through randomized clinical trial an intervention program to identify isolated urban elders with memory impairment who do not have a family caregiver, especially minority persons, and to help them get services in their community, including diagnosis, medications, home care and day care services.
“Institute of Geriatric Social Work, Boston University School of Social Work”
Role: Co-Investigator and Director of Education
Agency Funding: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Type: Research, Education, Policy Grant Period October 2002-October 2007
The Institute for Geriatric Social Work (IGSW) is dedicated to advancing social work practice in geriatric care nationally through education, research and public policy. The Institute is designing and will conduct a randomized clinical trial to investigate the effectiveness of social workers to improve health care outcomes for older people and also inform and seek to influence policy-makers to expand reimbursement options.
“Wellness for Persons with Dementia Conference” October 20-21, 2005
2004-2005: Role: Co-Investigator Organize and facilitate invitational expert consensus summit to develop research, practice and policy agenda on wellness for persons with AD and other dementias.
Develop curriculum and recruit speakers for day long professionals conference on 21st , a major speaker for grand rounds at MGH morning of the 20th, and research panel for physicians dinner, October 20th.
Agency: Rogerson Communities, Inc. Funding: Several Massachusetts foundations and co-sponsoring organizations including BUADC.
Type: Conference Grant Period: September, 2004 to November 30, 2005
“Cognitive Treatment of Persons with Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease: A Pilot Study”
Role: Principal Investigator
Agency Funding: Kenneth Haas Memorial Trust
Type: Research Grant Period: May 1, 2002-April 30, 2005,
extended July 2013 for reports
The Brain Enhancement Strengthening Treatment (BEST) study was a prospective pilot randomized controlled trial of a 26 week innovative cognitive rehabilitation intervention program for persons with early stage Alzheimer’s disease who have MMSE scores of 20 and above, at least two years of college education and live with a caregiver willing to be their study partner. The program consists of cognitive/memory activities and teaching strategies for re-engaging in social situations in conjunction with standard treatment medication. The outcomes evaluated include memory, cognition, social functioning and mood. The central hypothesis is that the intervention will improve functioning or slow rate of decline in these areas.
Last Updated July 2012