Dr. Nancy Emerson Lombardo is available to deliver lectures, interactive presentations with or without PowerPoint slideshows, and interactive workshops to both large and small audiences, professional, clinical and lay audiences.

Length of presentation, workshop or roundtable can range from 20 minutes to all day. Very popular are the 45, 60 and 90 minute presentations. Also available are 3-hour presentations for 1/2 day conferences, full day presentations, or 6 part series on brain healthy lifestyles.

One hospital client flew Dr. Emerson Lombardo to their facility as the 90 minute keynoter for their first “Brain Health” Fair. During the rest of the day Dr. Emerson Lombardo gave the grand rounds luncheon talk for geriatricians and other geriatric specialists, met informally with the hospitals’ dietary staff using a very interactive workshop format, and met with a smaller team who did geriatric consults for the hospital to help avoid falls and illnesses arising during hospital stays. She got rave reviews from all these audiences.

Dr. Emerson Lombardo has also given professional talks on Nutrition and Cognition, or Evidence Based Recommendations for Healthy Lifestyles for Brain Health, and “Brain Foods for Kids and Adults” as part of conferences for clinicians for McLean Hospital in Boston, regional and national conferences of Nutritionists, Conferences of the International Academy of Nutrition and Aging, University-based Alzheimer’s Disease Centers in Indiana, Arkansas, Michigan and Boston, as well as conferences sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Disease International (including Argentina, Canada, Greece, India, South Africa, Venezuela, and Turkey), Children’s Day Care Centers, public schools, Adult Education Centers, Assisted Living communities, Hospitals, Senior Centers, Civic and Religious Groups, Councils on Aging, university-based lifelong learning centers (UMass OLLI program), Alzheimer’s Associations, Parkinson’s support groups and more. She has also co- organized and presented at conferences on Nutrition and Brain Health for the International Academy on Nutrition and Aging (Tokyo, Chicago & Albuquerque). Also organized all day international conference on Brain Wellness for Rogerson Communities and Boston University.

Lay audiences include interested members of the public, your organizations’ employees, persons with memory loss and other brain health concerns, and their families and care partners.

Councils of Aging and Area Agencies on Aging have hired Dr. Emerson Lombardo to guide them in successful 4-8 week series of evidence-based educational programs on brain healthy nutrition and lifestyles. A gerontology graduate student won her university’s prize for her capstone evaluation of a successful educational program in Maryland based on Memory Preservation Nutrition®.  Contact Dr. Emerson Lombardo to learn more. nemerson@healthcareinsights.net

Popular topics include:

  • Healthy Eating for a Healthy Brain
  • Brain Foods for Kids and Adults
  • The Memory Preservation Nutrition® program
  • No Magic Bullets: Evidence Based Recommendations for Healthy Lifestyles for a Healthy Brain
  • Physical Exercise is Essential for both Brain and Body Health
  • Evidence Based Recommendations for Cognitive Rehabilitation for Persons with Memory Loss and Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • Acupuncture to Treat Anxiety in Persons with Dementia.

Available for assignments in US and elsewhere; rates to be negotiated plus travel expenses.

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