Dr. Emerson Lombardo and her team have been working for over 5 years to transform the meal programs at assisted living and other organizations serving three meals daily to groups of older adults towards brain and body healthy nutrition.

Traditionally the Memory Preservation Nutrition® program implementation includes one-on-one consultation with key Food Services personnel, group in-services with cooks and wait staff, general in-services for all staff, and enjoyable education sessions with residents. The most popular educational sessions and in-services include “brain healthy snack-tastings” and other social eating experiences to sample and comment upon specific recipes from the MPN™.

Contract clients generally pay an annual licensing fee to have access to HCI’s extensive evidence-based Brain Healthy Nutrition materials including menu cycles, recipes, pantry lists of both recommended foods and foods to avoid, menu preparation and beverage guidelines, brain healthy snacks and desserts, and more. We will collaborate with your organization’s personnel to develop menus and recipes customized to fit your clientele and budget.

We’d love to work with your organization to enable you to better serve your clientele with brain and body healthy meals.

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