4 Epidemiological (population-based) studies add further proof that what we eat matters for preserving our brains and lowering risk of Alzheimer’s and Cognitive Decline.   

  • The “Prudent” Nordic Diet appears better than the MIND, Mediterranean or DASH diets in lowering risk of cognitive decline in 2,200 elderly Swedes. (read more)
  • Heart Healthy Diet is also Brain Healthy: Results of Health and Retirement Study show eating foods typical of both Mediterranean and MIND diets appear to lower risk of cognitive problems in 6000 older healthy adults by 30-35%.  read more
  • US-based Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS) shows similar results in 7,000 older women.  read more
  • An Inflammatory Nutrient Pattern (INP) appears to be associated with smaller brain grey matter volumes and poorer executive speed according to a pilot study at Columbia University. This study of 332 older adults combined brain scans, inflammation measures, and cognitive testing with dietary information.   read more

Note: none of these are clinical trials.  Next step is to fund the more expensive clinical studies to “prove” which nutrition programs are the “best” to preserve brain health.

Also note: the key role that women appear to be playing in research on brain healthy lifestyles, especially nutrition.  For instance, all 4 of the lead researchers in these 4 studies are women.  All have a PhD and Dr. Xu is also a MD. 

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