Who | Brain Food: How to Execute a Nutrition Evidence-Based Program in the Community |
When |
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Where |
Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel
One Market Place, San Diego, CA (619) 232-1234 San Diego, California, USA 2014 Aging in America Conference in San Diego, March 11-15. We’ll be celebrating ASA’s 60th anniversary, honoring our rich history and the members who have contributed so much. We will also continue to explore new models of care and welcome the broad array of professionals who care for an aging society. |
Other Info | 1:00-2:30 pm Brain Food: How to Execute a Nutrition Evidence-Based Program in the Community Speakers: Julie Bolt, M.Geron. and Nancy Emerson Lombardo, Ph.D. We will demonstrate how to plan,execute and measure a six-week nutrition evidence-based program designed to teach participants how to eat for better brain health. The program will cover six topics, each including a food component, an exercise/body component and a speaker from the local community. Topics include: Anti-Oxidants, Vitamins B, D, E, Omega 3 vs Omega 6, Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, and Cholesterol, Healthy Fats and Unhealthy Fats. Outcomes: * The overall response from participant surveys was positive. Noteworthy is the response that in the incorporation of Memory Preservation Nutrition® (MPN) concepts into daily application, 86% of the respondents are using some of the knowledge in their everyday meal planning. **62% of the respondents were not certain if they had memory improvement but they "feel better". *MPN participants would like to learn more about nutrition and memory. *Participants want continuing education and support groups to keep up their new habits Objective 1: * To understand how to build momentum and interest for a nutrition based memory and brain health improvement program Objective 2: * To understand how to gather the resources and people required to host a six-week event on a minimal budget. Objective 3: * How to best utilize local partners Objective 4: How to market, sell and recruit attendants to the program. Objective 5: How to measure results and keep the momentum going. |
San Diego, California – 03/13/14
Posted by nemerson on Mar 13, 2014 in More | 0 comments