Issue: # 8

August 2010


Dr. Nancy Emerson Lombardo with HealthCare Insights, LLC



Hello Friends,

Happy August!  It’s your last chance to take some summer steps towards brain health.  The news coming out of this summer’s Alzheimer’s and nutrition research conferences lend further support to the power of nutrition to help preserve our brain health.  Some of the foods with new research findings supporting them include tea, walnuts, vitamin D, and natural 8-part vitamin E, all of which were already emphasized in my evidence based Memory Preservation Nutrition® program.  Other research points to the importance of synergies among many nutrients rather then any one magic element.

In this issue we elaborate on vitamin E and why it is important too ingest all eight forms of it, rather than just alpha tocopherol, the commonly marketed form of vitamin E.

Continuing our Evidence-Based Consumer Guide To Brain Healthy Nutrition, the lead article features whole grains which are also a natural source of Vitamin E.

See the last article for lists of future speaking events for Dr. Nancy Emerson Lombardo including the dates Sept 8th, 17th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 29th and Nov 9th.

If  you are interested in watching a 30 minute video clip of Dr. Nancy Emerson Lombardo interviewed by Mr. Frank Novak of Haverhill Community TV about Alzheimer’s disease and brain healthy lifestyles paste the following into your browser.  mms://

Don’t let the first few minutes deter you because the first question that Frank Novak (who is an excellent interviewer!) asked Dr. Nancy was to explain how one dies from Alzheimer’s disease. While this reflects what lots of people wonder about (and thus a great question) it wasn’t the most fun way to launch into a show focused on the positive aspects about living with, or reducing risk for, Alzheimer’s.

We also discussed the new opportunities available to people to participate in Alzheimer’s research through the new Trial Match™ program developed by the national Alzheimer’s Association and the National institutes of Health.  Go to:

You can also check our local universities for the latest clinical trials in your area.  For instance, Boston University School of Medicine, Alzheimer’s Disease Center, has some excellent studies now recruiting both cognitively normal adults, persons wtih memory issues or AD diagnosis, or care partners.  See  Or email Dr. Tom Shea at U. Mass Lowell to inquire about participating in his clinical trial testing a new nutraceutical therapy for persons with Alzheimer’s Disease.


Go for the Grains!
Whole Grains that is!


They’re rich in antioxidants, fiber, magnesium, iron, B-vitamins and other key nutrients that regulate blood sugar levels, reduce lipid levels and promote brain health.  Unfortunately when grains are milled and become “white” (e.g. white flour, white rice) they lose 80-90% of their nutrition, most of their fiber, and contribute to high blood sugar, inflammation, and other health problems. Whole grains, as nature makes them, help us combat all these health problems and also helps lower LDL cholesterol, reduce oxidative stress and thus contribute to brain and body health in multiple ways. In the healthy nutrition world, milled white foods are called “dead” whites….they have less life force in them and don’t help us live longer unless we have nothing else to eat!

Choose whole grain varieties such as 100% whole grain breads, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat pizza dough and high fiber cereals. Most whole grains are more delicious than white counterparts, especially once you get used to their fuller flavors.

So why is whole grain so important and what is it?  A whole grain includes each part of the kernel, including, Bran, Germ, and Endosperm.  Each section has it’s own specific benefit to our health.  In bran there is Fiber and B Vitamins.  In germ there is B and E vitamins.  In endosperm there is carbohydrate, protein and some B Vitamins, this will help produce energy.  Whole grain is important because it provides some much needed vitamins and nutrients to our bodies, including antioxidants, nutrients which help reduce inflammation, cholesterol, oxidative stress and help regulate blood sugar.  Whole grains also produce more energy to help us be more active and alert.

The E vitamin in whole grains is the kind that our brains really need.  See the next article for the reasons why.

So what grains are whole?  All un-milled grains.  Oatmeal is always whole because milling can be very difficult for this sticky grain. Wheat is the most commonly available as white which is not a whole grain. White flours are usually milled and not whole grain unless the label says it is. When looking at nutrition labels look for whole wheat, white whole wheat, or whole wheat pastry flour.  Other grains that may be offered as either whole or milled include rice, rye, barley, spelt, so look for the word whole grain on the label.  Brown, wild, red, and black rice are all whole grain so the words whole grain might not be on the label. Bulgar and couscous are wheat products and only whole grain if they are not milled – so check out the nutrition label.   Millet, amaranth, and quinoa are tiny grains that  are unlikely to be milled.  They also are valuable because they have no gluten.

Gluten free Quinoa (pronounced “keen wah”) is considered the healthiest of the whole grains because it is a complete protein just like meat, poultry, fish and dairy (so unlike rice and beans you don’t need anything else). Quinoa has 5 grams of protein per serving, and is loaded with lot of vitamins and minerals. Not only that, quinoa takes only 10-15 minutes to cook!  Terrific for today’s busy life. And quinoa can be served by itself with a dollop of olive or other oil (cook with twice as much water as the amount of grain) or absorbs beautiful the flavors of other foods added to it.

Since quinoa is the healthiest grain yet still new to most North Americans (it was the favorite grain of the Incans in Peru) here is a delicious recipe to get you started: Dr. Lynn Serper’s Quinoa complete meal in a dish.  If you prefer some additional protein in your meal you can add some shrimp or small pieces of chicken. Go to for more quinoa recipes, including Tabbouleh made with quinoa instead of the usual couscous for an even healthier dish!


Save 20% on any nutritional supplements ordered on-line in August and September 2010
Go to our website:
Offer Expires: September 30th, 2010


Why We Need All Eight Forms of Vitamin ETo Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s by 50%!
Why natural is the way to go when it comes to Vitamin E.

In nature there are eight forms of Vitamin E: d-alpha, d-beta, d-gamma, d-delta, tocopherol, and d-alpha, d-beta, d-gamma, d-delta, tocotrienols.  The cheaper form of vitamin E commonly available contains only d-alpha tocopherol and is only one of the eight necessary forms. There is evidence that too much of the d-alpha form depletes the brain of the other important parts, especially d-gamma tocopherol.

Some foods emphasize one or more forms of Vitamin E, but not others – Another reason it is important to eat a variety of brain healthy foods.

A recent European research study found that people with the highest blood levels of all eight parts of Vitamin E appeared to have half the risk of developing Alzheimer’s compared with those with the lowest blood levels.
The study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, suggests subjects with higher blood levels of all forms of the vitamin E had a risk of Alzheimer’s reduced by 45 percent to 54 percent risk vs. those with lower levels. However, the study notes the protective effect of vitamin E seems to be related to the combination of the different forms.

It is currently thought that the primary function of vitamin E in the body and brain is that it protects cell membranes, active enzyme sites, and DNA from free radical damage, in part through its action as an anti-oxidant..

Of more recent discovery and understanding, are the isomers or forms of vitamin E called tocotrienols.  These variant of vitamin E occur at very low levels in nature.

While the majority of research on Vitamin E has focused on the more prevalent alpha-tocopherol, studies into tocotrienols account for less than 1% of all pub Med research on Vitamin E.    Yet more and more studies are suggesting that it is the tocotrienols that maybe more potent than the better known and more plentiful tocopherols, as the recent study in Europe concluded.  An earlier clinical trial found that tocotrienols, from palm, dramatically lowered cholesterol levels in patients with high cholesterol. (see Tomeo AC, Geller M, Watkins TR, Gapor A, Bierenbaum ML (December 1995). “Antioxidant effects of tocotrienols in patients with hyperlipidemia and carotid stenosis”. Lipids 30 (12): 1179-83. doi:10.1007/BF02536621. PMID 8614310.

Natural sources of tocotrienols include the following foods: palm oil and certain other vegetable oils, wheat germ, barley, saw palmetto, and certain types of nuts and grains.  The current commercial sources of tocotrienols are rice, palm, and annatto.

In addition to whole grains, foods rich in the more common forms of vitamin E include almonds, sunflower seeds, Swiss chard, turnip greens, spinach, collard greens, mustard greens, many other leafy green vegetables, as well as blueberries, papaya and olives. Almost all grains, seeds and nuts provide a good source of vitamin E as well; almonds and hazelnuts have more vitamin E than other seeds and nuts.

An Ohio State University Medical Center researcher wrote, “Tocotrienols possess powerful neuroprotective, anti-cancer and cholesterol lowering properties that are often not exhibited by tocopherols. Current developments in vitamin E research clearly indicate that members of the vitamin E family are not redundant with respect to their biological functions. alpha-Tocotrienol, gamma-tocopherol, and delta-tocotrienol have emerged as vitamin E molecules with functions in health and disease that are clearly distinct from that of alpha-tocopherol. At nanomolar concentration, alpha-tocotrienol, not alpha-tocopherol, prevents neurodegeneration. On a concentration basis, this finding represents the most potent of all biological functions exhibited by any natural vitamin E molecule. An expanding body of evidence support that members of the vitamin E family are functionally unique. In recognition of this fact, title claims in manuscripts should be limited to the specific form of vitamin E studied.” (Dr. Sen notes for instance that the meta-analysis that scared so many people about excess vitamin E for some people, looked only at alpha-tocopherol; none of the other forms were used in the interventions.)  Sen CK, Khanna S, Roy S.  Life Sci. 2006 Mar 27;78(18):2088-98. Epub 2006 Feb 3. Tocotrienols: Vitamin E beyond tocopherols.

Readers note: you can order the 8-part type of natural vitamin E from the website store:


Public invited to presentations by Dr. Emerson Lombardo August 10th, Sept 8th, 17th, 22rd, 23rd, 24th and 29th, and Nov 9th.
See Dr. Emerson Lombardo in Person!

August 10th, 2010: Food for Thought: Healthy Eating for a Healthy Brain
This free event will be held in Middleton, RI at Blenheim-Newport, 303 Valley Road, Middleton RI 02842.  This event runs from 5:00-7:00pm.  Refreshments at 5:00pm with presentation at 5:30pm.  Check out the events page at

September 8th, 2010: Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain Health
This free event will be held in Salem, MA at North Shore Medical Center: Salem Hospital, 81 Highland Ave, Salem, MA 01970.  This event runs from 12:00-1:00pm.  CEU’s for Social Workers and Registered Nurses are available.  Check out the events page at

September 17th, 2010: Memory Preservation Nutrition® program at Senior Living Residences.
This free event will be held in Milton, MA at the Milton Council on Aging, 10 Walnut Street, Milton, MA 02186.

September 22nd, 2010: Food for Thought: Healthy Eating for a Healthy Brain
This free event will be held in Warwick, RI at Greenwich Farms at Warwick, 75 Minnesota Ave, Warick, RI 02888.  This events runs from 3:30-5:30pm.  Refreshments at 3:30pm with presentation at 4:00pm.  Check out the events page at

September 23rd, 2010: Food for Thought: Healthy Eating for a Healthy Brain
This free event will be held in Middleton, CT at The Village at South Farms, 645 Saybrook Road, Middleton, CT 06457.  This event runs from 5:00-7:00pm.  Refreshments at 5:00pm with presentation at 5:30pm.  Check out the events page at

September 24th, 2010: Nutrition and Healthy Aging
This presentation will be held at Rivier College in New Hampshire from 9 to 10:30 am.  College address is 420 Main Street, Nashua, NH 03060.
Dr. Emerson Lombardo will be co-presenting with HealthCare Insights’s Consulting Nutritionist, Cheryl Franchi, RD, MS, MBA, LD, FADA, as part of a 5 part series on aging.  Call Rivier College at (603) 888-1311 first to register.  Check out there website at out the events page at

September 29th, 2010: Food for Thought: Healthy Eating for a Healthy Brain
This free event will be held in Middletown, CT at The Village at South Farms,  645 Saybrook Road, Middletown, CT 06457.  This event runs from 5:00-7:00pm.  Refreshments at 5:00pm with presentation at 5:30pm.  Check out the events page at

November 9th, 2010: Food for Thought: Healthy Eating for a Healthy Brain
This free event will be held in Duxbury, MA at the Duxbury Council on Aging, 10 Mayflower St, Duxbury, MA 02332.  This event runs from 5:00-7:30pm.  Lite dinner from 5:00-6:00pm with presentation at 6:00-7:30pm.  Check out the events page at


Look for my monthly column in the South Shore Senior News!

For brain health consultations for yourself, your family, or your organization contact me for further information or to book an appointment. 978-621-1926 or email at



Nancy Emerson Lombardo, PhD
HealthCare Insights, LLC
P.O. Box 2683, Acton, MA 01720

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