Research shows that nutrition is essential to preserving cognitive and emotional brain health.
Here are Highlights of the MPN™,an innovative nutritional program developed by scientist and educator, Dr. Nancy Emerson Lombardo.
- Be Brainy about brain, heart, and blood sugar connections. Every cardio-vascular risk factor adds to risk of AD. Pre-diabetes and diabetes increase risk of cognitive decline and dementia. To increase heart and brain wellness, we emphasize foods that regulate and lower blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation and cholesterol levels, and are high in anti-oxidants to prevent oxidation of cholesterol, DNA, brain cells and more.
- Honor Your Inner Hippo! The hippocampus of the brain, an important region for memory, is especially sensitive to high or uncontrolled blood sugar levels, which can adversely affect brain health. The delicate hippocampus is also very sensitive to imbalances in fats, and oxidative stress. Thus it is important to eat more omega 3 rich foods, reduce unhealthy fats, eat more plant based anti-oxidants, and control blood sugar.
- Cool Inflammation. Increase Omega 3s (fish & seafood), spices & herbs, berries, purple grapes & juice, green vegetables and green tea. Use fewer Omega 6s and less red meat and dairy. Eat more plant foods and fewer animal foods.
- Prioritize Plants! Reduce the amount of animal foods in your diet, and increase your intake of plant-based foods to help reduce blood fat levels, regulate blood sugar and reduce inflammation – known antagonists to heart and brain health. This basic change will benefit heart, brain, and the rest of your body, and reduce risk of diabetes and cancer. Specifically…
- Spice It Up! Many herbs and spices have amazing protective properties -using cinnamon, ginger, rosemary, oregano, and turmeric in your cooking, while reducing or eliminating added salt and sugar, can provide tremendous benefits to your heart and brain health. Other herbs and spices help boost the immune system or improve blood flow and blood pressure.
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© 2010 Nancy Emerson Lombardo Ph.D. and colleagues, HealthCare Insights, LLC All rights reserved.Do not copy all or parts of this page without written permission of HealthCare Insights, LLC. Direct correspondence to Nancy Emerson Lombardo, Ph.D. nemerson@healthcareinsights.net 978-621-1926
To learn more about the MPN nutrition and brain healthy lifestyle program, how to adapt these strategies to your situation and tastes, please contact Dr. Emerson Lombardo & HCI.
DISCLAIMER: Always check with your physician about new dietary changes.