MPN™ Lettuce Spinach Nut Salad

– a Brain Healthy Recipe[1]

YIELD: servings: 6 – 8 of salad & 50 of salt-free cider vinaigrette dressing


  INGREDIENTS                                                                                AMOUNT

MPN™ Salad: 6-8 servings
Red leaf lettuce or romaine* torn into bite size pieces (med head weighted ½ #) 1/3 med head, 1/6 #
Baby spinach (used 1/3 of ½# bag) either baby spinach or fresh mature leaves cut into bite size pieces 1/6 #
Walnuts or pecans, chopped roughly into 1/8” size pieces ½ cup
Fresh tart crisp apples and pears, thinly sliced and cut in half or into bite size pieces.  Slice pears immediately and hold in lemon juice to deter browning or slice immediately before serving. 1 apple

1 pear

MPN™ Apple Cider Vinaigrette Salt-Free Dressing: 50 servings:
    Apple cider vinegar (Bragg Organic) 1/3 cup
    Apple cider, fresh (or orange juice) 1/3 cup
    Canola oil ½ cup
    Olive oil ½ cup
    Cod Liver Oil (either unflavored or lemon flavored) 1/3 cup
    Honey (may substitute 1 Truvia® packet or            one   

    pinch of Stevia for sugar free version)

1 TBsp
    Cinnamon ½ tsp
    Basil ½ tsp
    Dill ½ tsp

   KEY:     # = pound



       1. Prepare cider vinaigrette – may be done a few hours in advance

       2. Mix lettuce and spinach pieces – about equal portions of each

        3. Add chopped or broken up nuts

        4. JUST PRIOR TO SERVING, add apple and pear slices. 

        5. Mix 1/6 of vinaigrette into the salad or serve on the side.

        6. Save remainder of vinaigrette in refrigerator for other salads.



*        May use any fresh lettuce other than iceberg (WHICH HAS MINIMAL NUTRITIONAL VALUE).  Mesclun mix is  great.   Goal is about equal portions of lettuce and spinach.  Another option is 100% mesclun mix. 


**      May substitute other fresh or dried fruits depending on season. Spices may vary with the fruit chosen.  Ideal is adding a few berries in addition to the orchard fruit such as raspberries or blue berries when in season.


***    Add sprinkles of sunflower or flaxseed or offer these on the side.


Created by Nancy Emerson Lombardo following Memory Preservation NutritionÒ program in consultation with HCI team.  Tested successfully at Standish Village (Nov 2007) and the Compass on the Bay (then The BayView) (Feb 2008).  Variations tested at several SLR Communities.

[1] Adapted following Memory Preservation Nutrition® program by & Nancy Emerson Lombardo, Ph.D.  Fully TESTED, as of 7/4/08     Updated 12/2009.


[2] Adapted following Memory Preservation Nutrition® program by & Nancy Emerson Lombardo, Ph.D.

Fully TESTED, as of 7/4/08.     Updated 12/2009.

© 2012 Nancy Emerson Lombardo Ph.D., HealthCare Insights, LLC All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, Photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of HealthCare Insights, LLC.  Direct correspondence to Nancy Emerson Lombardo, Ph.D.



HCI P.O. Box 2683, Acton, MA 01720   978-621-1926


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