from the Evidenced-Based Memory Preservation Nutrition® Program
© 2012 Nancy B. Emerson Lombardo, Ph.D.
At Holiday time we are sharing food with the people we care about the most – family and friends, as well as work colleagues and clients. So why not make our holiday foods healthy as well as delicious.
For brain healthier meals,
- Add nutritious ingredients such as foods full of anti-oxidants, that are anti-inflammatory, that help us lower rather than raise, our blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
- The easiest way to do this is add more vegetables, spices, herbs and other plant foods and use fewer animal foods as well as less sugar.
- Limit the amount of sugar, salt and saturated/trans fats you are serving yourself and your family and friends.
- Let your family and friends know you love them enough to go the extra mile, maybe trying out something new and equally delicious to what they are used to.
- Take favorite family recipes and make them a little or lot more brain and body healthy
The 10 Holiday Foods tips can be found here: Brain Healthy Foods Tips for the Holidays