CC Donelan, M.A.
Principal, Brain Health Partners
With a Masters degree from Columbia University Teachers College, much of CC Donelan’s career was as an educator specializing in the field of learning disabilities. This proved to be excellent experience for transitioning to work to improve lives of adults with cognitive impairments, and to promote brain health. CC held positions at Tufts University, Mount Sinai Medical Center, and various schools. She remained active while raising her family through part-time and volunteer work, including leadership and public speaking roles at schools, charitable organizations, and within the community.
CC joined the Brain Health and Wellness Center® (BHWC) in 2010 and served as Director of Education and Brain Wellness Coordinator until June 30, 2017. She was responsible for BHWC’s educational and selected project initiatives both in Massachusetts and out of state, serving the aging services continuum.
Working with Nancy B. Emerson Lombardo, PhD, President and CEO of the BHWC, CC Donelan helped implement and teach lifestyle interventions developed through Nancy’s research for both treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease to improve the quality of life for older adults. The current centerpiece endeavor is the internationally known Memory Preservation Nutrition® program (MPN™). Based on hundreds of scientific studies, MPN™ is designed to improve cognitive and emotional brain health and overall body health for all ages.
CC Donelan is now Principal of her new business entity, Brain Health Partners and will continue educating healthcare professionals, individuals and families about the importance of brain healthy eating as a critical part of well-being. She is a celebrated speaker and delivers presentations on brain healthy lifestyles to both professional and lay audiences across the US. CC Donelan brings an interdisciplinary, multisensory, and fun approach to teaching, especially with cooking brain healthy and delicious food. CC also brings an expertise in “Chair Chi” and a personal interest in exercise. CC Donelan’s talents, interests and the goals of Brain Health Partners are a great fit.
Her family has been touched by Alzheimer’s, deepening her passion for sharing insights on brain healthy nutrition and brain wellness at every age. CC’s interest in this area began when her father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s circa 2010 her father’s doctor recommended a therapeutic program that combined pharmacological drugs with a diet rich in similar nutrients emphasized by the MPN™ program together with cardio exercise and intellectual stimulation. Her father passed away from Alzheimer’s disease on July 19, 2017.
Please reach out to CC at 978-502-4642 and Visit her new site:
CC Donelan, MA, Brain wellness educational programs and training, presentations, and demonstrations. Delivered onsite for organizations and at-home for individual and family coaching.
Contact: Principal, Brain Health Partners.
Cell phone: 978-502-4642.
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